Microsoft Patch Tuesday – December 2007

Yep, it’s that time of the month again. Not that one! It’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday.

The usual updates for Windows and Microsoft Office.

…too lazy to copy and paste the details for now…… I’ll update this later.

Camino 1.5.4 is Released

The Camino Project has just released Camino 1.5.4 to address web compatibility.

Camino 1.5.4 contains the following improvements over version 1.5.3:

  • Upgraded to version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine, which includes several critical security and stability fixes.
  • Improved compatibility with some DHTML websites.
  • Camino can now set the default browser or feed reader in cases where no application had already been set as the default.
  • Sub-menus in the History menu now open more quickly and are capped at 50 items.
  • The Camino application icon now contains a 512×512 pixel version for better integration with Mac OS X 10.5.
  • On Mac OS X 10.5, the first tooltip displayed on a page now appears properly.
  • The status bar now takes on the dark grey, rounded appearance on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Camino will now purge expired site icons from the site icon cache when quitting.
  • Improved ad-blocking.

Download Camino here:

Carlos Alazraqui, AVCHD, Panasonic HDC-SD5, Macs, and iMovie ’08.

I finally finished the first project involving Carlos Alazraqui, AVCHD, Panasonic HDC-SD5, Macs, and iMovie ’08. I learned a lot from this project, from using the Panasonic HDC-SDC camera, importing AVCHD movie clips, using iMovie ’08 even further, and the hardware requirements for this project.

First, I’d like to thank Hollywood Improv for giving the permissions to film Carlos Alazraqui’s stand-up sets.

I do realize that my personal MacBook Pro Core Duo is a little bit underpowered in handling AVCHD movie clips. For certain, it took a long time to import the AVCHD clips, and it took even longer to export the HD clips.

I do learn a lot of tricks in using iMovie ’08. I originally was going to use Final Cut Pro to edit the clips. Unfortunately, I have not had a chance to install Final Cut Pro on my MacBook Pro, after I clean installed Mac OS X Leopard on it. In addition to that, I have yet to acquire Final Cut Express 4 which now supports AVCHD format.

I will post my review on Panasonic HDC-SD5, my experience with iMovie ’08, and what I learn about AVCHD format.

As a preview, please take a look at the following screen capture taken using Panasonic HDC-SD5.

Carlos Alazraqui, Hollywood Improv, 2007.11.17 - 3

I Need New Macs

For the past 7 years I have been purchasing at least one portable computer each year with the exception of 2007. It is now November 2007, and I have yet purchased a computer. OK, I did get a new Core 2 Duo PC from the office. It is currently running Windows XP, take that Windows Vista. I can’t bear using Windows Vista at all. The PC itself is more than powerful enough to run Windows Vista Ultimate, but up to this moment there are some softwares that wouldn’t run properly on Windows Vista. In addition to that, the networking stack in Windows Vista does not play nice with other Operating Systems. I have not reinstalled Windows Vista back on any computers I have in my home office.

I have recently acquired a new AVCHD camcorder, Panasonic HDC-SD5. I just finished recording Carlos Alazraqui‘s stand up sets at the Hollywood Improv. It is roughly an hour of raw footage, and recorded in High Definition at 1080i. Working with AVCHD format requires a lot of processing powers. It takes 2 hours to re-encode an 11-minute of edited footage on my 2GHz MacBook Pro Core Duo. I am sure that it would take significantly less time if I have a Core 2 Duo Mac (or better). I am hoping that the 64-bit CPU and Operating System (Mac OS X Leopard) would be able to handle the HD encoding better and faster.

Anyway, I am waiting for the next version of MacBook Pro sometimes during Macworld 2008. I was talking to a friend who wanted to do movie editing on MacBook Pro in High Definitions, and I did convince her to wait until the next version of MacBook Pro is released.

I am thinking about getting an iMac or even a Mac Pro for all the multimedia projects I am working on right now. As of this point I can’t justify spending the money for any of them. I personally prefer using portables such as MacBook Pro. Maybe I can convince the office to get me new Mac or Macs.

One other thing in mind is for me to somehow contact Apple and get them to donate a Mac or two. It’s a wishful thinking. If you’re working for Apple Inc., please let someone know at the corporate office that I need new Macs and the Pro-Apps.

One can dream……..

Roxio Releases Toast 8.0.3 Update

Roxio releases Toast 8.0.3 update.

Roxio Toast 8 icon

Roxio Toast® 8 now support Blu-ray discs recording on the Mac. Toast® 8 includes exclusive EyeTV burning and TiVoToGo™ transfers to DVD or iPod®.

Toast® 8 now supports Mac OS X Leopard.

Toast® 8 version history:

Download Toast® 8.0.3 update:

Buy Toast 8 Titanium @