Pixelmator 3.3


Pixelmator 3.3

Pixelmator 3.3 is released.

What’s New in Version 3.3

  • Redesigned Interface: A new look and feel inspired by OS X Yosemite.
  • OS X Yosemite Support: Complete OS X Yosemite new features and technology support.
  • Handoff Support: Instantly switch between Pixelmator on your Mac and iPad.
  • iCloud Drive Support: Safely store and access your images on all devices.
  • Pixelmator for iPad: Fully compatible to work seamlessly with Pixelmator for iPad.
  • Repair Tool Extension: Quickly fix images outside Pixelmator in apps like Mail or TextEdit.

Pixelmator 3.3 What's New

Pixelmator Repair Tool works really well. I have been using it to touch up a lot of photos since the feature was first introduced in Pixelmator.

There are a few features that Pixelmator team can add in the future releases. Something like Adobe Photoshop’s Content Aware Fill.


Editor’s note: It seems our web host, which shall remain nameless, was having issues.

New and Thinner Square Reader

I received the new and thinner Square reader for a few weeks already. I finally took it out of the packaging and compare it with the older reader.

The new Square reader is roughly half the thickness of the old one, but has a slightly larger surface area.

The new Square reader is required by June 1, 2014.

New Square Reader 2014 New Square Reader 2014 Thickness Comparisons

Pixelmator 3.2 Preview and Sale for $14.99


Preview of Pixelmator 3.2 Sandstone is up as it is coming soon.

In developing an entirely new Repair Tool, we’ve used the latest breakthrough technologies that enable you to remove dust, blemishes and entire objects from your images with an unsurpassed level of precision and quality.

The other good news:

Even more, we want as many of you as possible to have fun while editing pictures. So, starting today we cut the price in half for entire week. If you don’t have Pixelmator yet, it’s a good time to download it for just $14.99 and get Pixelmator 3.2 for free.

Pixelmator Sale 1499 20140417

I have been using Pixelmator as my main image editor instead of Adobe Photoshop (Sorry David). I still use Adobe Photoshop because there are certain workflows in I cannot do in Pixelmator yet.

Ookla Speedtest.net App is now optimized for iPad

Ookla Speedtest.net is now optimized for iPad. It offers an In-App Purchase to permanently remove the advertising; which I did purchase.

What’s New in Version 3.2.0

  • Universal app supporting iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (which includes landscape mode)
  • Speedometer now adjusts dynamically for high speed connections
  • Improved server selection user interface
  • Many performance optimizations and bug fixes

Ookla Speedtest.net on iPad - 1

Ookla Speedtest.net on iPad - 2


In case you don’t know it has one awesome easter egg.


(After a test, swipe down the speedometer. Each swipe will reveal the story.)

App and Hardware: Automatic

I’ve just picked up an Automatic Link at an Apple Store earlier today. I have yet to install it on my car.

Automatic Link and Sticker

I’ve heard of Automatic for quite some times but I did not bother to buy it directly from their site. Now that Apple Store carries the Automatic Link, I bought one using EasyPay.

Automatic App is compatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s. Public Beta of Automatic App for Android is coming in December. Only a few Android devices are currently supported.
