iPhone OS 3.1 beta: Safari Scores 100 in Acid3 Test, Somewhat.

iPhone OS 3.0 Safari scored 97 out of 100 in Acid3 Test. The newly seeded iPhone OS 3.1 beta (build 7c97d) includes a tweaked version of Safari that scores 100 out of 100 in Acid3 Test. Even though Safari scored 100, it still did not render the page identically to the reference page. Note the white X in the pink box on the top right corner of the test box.

iPhone OS 3.1 beta: Safari Acid3 Test 100

Aid3 Test Reference

Meanwhile, iPhone OS 3.1 beta Safari did not even pass Acid2 Test.

iPhone OS 3.1 beta: Safari Acid2 Test

Acid2 Test reference rendering below:

Acid2 Test Reference

WebKit Achieves 100/100 on Acid3 Test with Flying Colors

The people who develops Opera and WebKit are racing to pass Acid3 test. Both camps have scored 100/100 on Acid3 test. According to both Opera and WebKit camp, even though they scored 100/100, there are still some bug fixing to do.

The WebKit folks announces that WebKit achieves Acid3 100/100 in public build, today.

With r31342 WebKit has become the first publicly available rendering engine to achieve 100/100 on Acid3.

Meanwhile, Opera folks were the first to claim perfect score on Acid3 test using their internal build.

I downloaded WebKit build r31344 and ran Acid3 test on it. The video can be found here (QuickTime Movie 744KB).

WebKit Acid3 Test 100/100

WebKit is available for Mac OS X and Windows.