Getting good at starting over.


To quote Foo Fighters:

“Getting good at starting over
Every time that I return”

We’re having issues importing the database from the other host. The really bad news is that all the posts we had for the last 10 years are pretty much exist in SQL and XML format, for now.

Here we go again.

This kind of day.

One of the hard drives in a Windows Home Server has gone bad. I’m working to get it replaced. Actually I want to get a new file server.

Stories from the past: Damage Inc. Tour

A friend of mine and I were sharing stories and one in particular came up. It was Metallica’s Damage Inc. Tour back in 1986 opening for Ozzy Osbourne. That was the last tour Cliff Burton was on before tragically killed in bus accident on September 27th, 2986.

My friend still has the ticket stub from the show from June 14th, 1986 at Long Beach Arena. For a lot of people Metallica was the reason they went to the show.


Before and After.

Ever wonder why the CPU fan is running loud? You should check it out and see if the heatsink and fan are dirty.

In addition to that I replaced the Pentium D with a Core 2 Duo.

Sigh of relief.

I had been worrying that I lost a USB drive at a client office on Monday. It contains some sensitive informations I just obtained from the client. I am so relieved to have found the said USB drive in the hallway next to my office.

Some USB drives are getting smaller and smaller, they are getting a lot easier to lose.