Lenovo 27-inch Tablet

This one deserves a “You’ve got to be kidding me!” award.

Meatloaf is not amused

Chiropractors would love this, because people would have their backs hurt carrying this thing around.

I can’t wait to see people bring this to restaurants

Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon


Guilty Until Proven Innocent

It was the first day of 2013, and I was having a relaxing day. The calm before the “going-back-to-work” day on Wednesday January 2nd, 2013. Sometimes in the afternoon, I was about to make a post on my personal blog, and I was greeted with a message.


iveryam.wordpress.com is no longer available.

This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read the message in your dashboard.

I was so confused.I questioned myself of what I had possibly done that caused the blog suspended. I reached out to WordPress.com support and so far I had not heard from them Granted it was only 6 hours prior to this post. Since it was a New Year’s Day, there might only be minimal support staff manning the station, I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. In the meantime, I was presumed guilty until proven innocent.

Back in August 2009, 37prime.wordpress.com was erroneously suspended for TOS violation. It took about 24 hours for WordPress.com staff to reinstate the blog.

Sunday August 16 2009, 37prime.wordpress.com was taken offline. This blog was apparently shutdown for Terms Of Service (TOS) violation. This blog was gone for about 24 hours, and thanks to Mark everything was straightened out. Mark assured me that there was some kind glitch that took this blog down.

I am not aware of anything I did that violate WordPress.com TOS. There is no intent and there are no pattern that I was willfully violate WordPress.com TOS.

What an irony, since I’ve gotten a thank you email from Matt Mullenweg for helping cleaning up spam on WordPress.com on December 31st, 2012. Hours later, iveryam.wordpress.com was suspended.

Starting 2013, with my personal blog suspended by WordPress.com.

Happy New Year everyone.

I just found out within the last hour that my personal WordPress blog has been suspended. No clear reasons given why except for the usual:

This blog has been deactivated because we believe it does not comply with the WordPress.com Terms of Service or advertising policy.

I have contacted WordPress support regarding this issue.

According to my colleague, this blog was once erroneously suspended a few years back. It was reinstated soon after I contacted WordPress support.

Desperate Ars Technica Writer comes up with Sensationalistic Headline

If you were a writer for a well-established tech-site and you’re desperate for page views, what would you do?

Ars Technica writer, Casey Johnston knows exactly what to do. Write a sensationalistic headline.

Desperate iOS users download Google Maps 10 million times in 2 days


It is a poor choice of word. It also shows how misinformed the writer is. The one person who is “desperate” for attention is none other than Casey Johnston herself. How in the world Ars Technica Editor would approve this post. People who read Ars Technica might have mistaken it for a tabloid magazine.

For that, Casey Johnston is the JackArse Technica of the day.


This is not the first time in recent months Ars Technica published poorly written articles and headlines.

Credibility Denied: The New York Times Edition

Let’s give The New York Times benefit of the doubt. Maybe the editor had a bad week.

An article on The New York Post by Quentin Hardy is quoting Rob Enderle. Seriously, Rob Enderle? What happened? Is it because nothing quotable from Carlos Mencia?

Let’s put it this way, Rob Enderle has decades of experience for being wrong. Anyone remember the “Fifth Column” gibberish from Enderle? (That’s a link to MacDailyNews instead of to Enderle’s original post.)

Idiot of the Day, Forbes’ Louis Bedigian

I wonder how much do Louis Bedigian and Forbes editors get paid. Apparently fact-checking is not something they like doing. Either that or they should work for Fox News.

Bedigian wrote:

During the summer patent trial involving Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Samsung, jurors found that Apple was guilty of infringing on Samsung’s patents and awarded the company $1 billion in damages.

It should say: “jurors found that Samsung was guilty of infringing on Apple’s patents”

Frustrating Headlines

The headline says:

Windows 8 is 84 percent less frustrating than Windows 7, report says

It is apparently a lot more frustrating trying to figure out what the headline is really saying. In addition to that how can one quantify frustation?

It is also apparent the study did not take into account all the frustation-filled phone called from people trying to figure out why they can’t find certain Control Panels in Windows 8.