‘Twas The Night Before WWDC 2008

Between all the rumors and the thousands of echoes of the same rumors, being an insomniac and a tech-junkie is a torture to the (n*π)th level. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2008 is set to commence on Monday June 9th 2008 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (17:00 hour UTC). For two weeks prior to the WWDC 2008, all the faux-journalists and parrot-bloggers have been feeding and repeating rumors over and over. I bet the “c” and “v” are a little bit worn out along with the “ctrl” and “command” keys.


Please stop cluttering the feed with your mindless copy and paste posts about Apple and the iPhone. You know nothing about it, but at least don’t be lazy and useless for not writing anything for your post. Can’t you spend a few minutes to write a few sentences, and then quote the source properly. The “Report Spam” button seems to be fitting your blog so nicely.

Why can’t the more established sites treats rumors as rumors. Then again, it is the race to be the first to report the rumors in case of it’s being true. Shame on you! You are not journalists even if you went to some journalism school. You’re not a news site or anything remotely close to it because all you do are some stupid and juvenile posts. So please, start reporting news objectively.


Well, where was I before the blinding rage against the copy and paste machine. Ah, WWDC 2008. I’d like to say that I have nothing that I can publicly disclose regarding the upcoming WWDC 2008 announcement. What I can disclose are things that I want to be announced, and they are:

  • Announcement of the new iPhone and its immediate availability. I want new iPhone to come out shy one year of its initial release. My iPhone has been great in taking tons of abuse. I can see scratches here and there, and some white spots on the screen. Yeah, I use the iPhone as a phone and then some. There’s a point where I could no longer use it and completely protect it at all time. In retrospect, the iPhone is quite tough. I have been happy with it, but it leaves me wanting more. I want GPS, I want more applications. Faster data network is in the “that’s a nice feature to have” list. Most importantly, I want to see a relatively distinct design for the new iPhone. One can dream, and I want iPhone: Steve Jobs edition.
  • New release of the Xcode is definitely coming, and there are some nice new features on it.
  • I need to get a new MacBook Pro that looks different than the current incarnations of MacBook Pro. I know that the MacBook Pro models were refreshed just a few months ago. Apple ha been working on the redesign of their portable line, I can’t wait for the new revisions of the portable Macs.
  • New Macs other than the Mac mini, MacBook, iMac, MacBook Pro, and the Mac Pro.
  • I heard of some chatters about .Mac sometimes in August 2007. Supposedly Apple will be adding some features to the .Mac including iPhone supports. I want my iPhone to be able to sync with .Mac and my computer wirelessly.
  • I want Skype, SlingPlayer, iChat, etc on the iPhone.
  • New Mac OS X feature. To be honest, I was happy with the annual or 18 months releases schedule of Mac OS X.

Arrgh, I just can’t sleep right now. I’m so anxious. I’ll be posting a lot more Apple-related gibberish as the WWDC Keynote commences.

Until next time!

Let the hasty iPhone posts go out of control.

“Oh Your God! There’s some kind of leaked pictures of the 3G iPhone on that one website. Let’s repost that on the blogs now. There’s no need to think if it’s fake or not. It must be real.”

Basically, that’s what has been happening for the past 2 weeks as the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is drawing near. The highly anticipated 3G iPhone has been the main topic of the internet chatters as fake news, rumors, unfounded speculations hit the tubes. As usual the most used keystrokes are “copy and paste” as colossal numbers of sites and “bloggers” reposting the same thing over and over. It’s an incestuous world of iPhone watch on the series of tubes.

Seriously, take all the incoming “news” (read: rumors) with a boulder of salt. Does anyone remember the months before the actual iPhone was announced in January 2007?

“The iPhone is made of Zirconium, and it will have two batteries. Oh, It will employ CDMA instead of GSM, blah blah blah, blah.”

Kevin Rose and Leo Laporte fell for the fake informations and made them public. No one is safe. In addition to that, Engadget’s Ryan Block fell victim to a faked Apple internal memo that caused Apple stocks crashing for a short time.

So please, treat rumors as rumors, not as fact; unless you’re working for CNet or Gizmodo.

If anyone is still reading this far, here’s some fake iPhone news that you can’t find anywhere else:

The iPhone will now come in three distinct models. One for the masses, one for the Apple zealots, and one for Steve Jobs. GPS module is included in random unit.

It couldn’t be anymore made up.

Windows Home Server: McAfee Total Protection Service

I updated the Windows Home Server today found out the notice for McAfee Total Protection Service Add-ins was ready for install. I decided to test the add-ins and installed it. After the install, I found out that Windows Home Server Console performs a lot slower. No doubt that somehow this add-ins effect the performance of Windows Home Server.

I uninstalled the add-ins and Windows Home Server Console performs normally. I assume that it is the add-ins that causes the slowdown.



What in the ASDF is Microsoft thinking? It’s always saying that the Network is “at risk” regardless of whatever the situation is.

“The Network is at risk because there are some add-ins available.”

What is wrong with you, Microsoft?

Tech Analyst Wanted, Brain is Not Required.

It is too obvious that many “Tech Analysts” are simply spewing gibberish and trying to present them as facts. One year soon will pass to the iPhone day, June 29th, 2008. In the meantime, the “interweb” is filled with more of the same things over and over again. In essence, one site is quoting the other while many bloggers simply did the “cut and paste” plus some personalization to the non-story. Some well known tech-blogs are simply making stuff up based on the available informations.

“The iPhone 2.0 is coming, The iPhone 2.0 is coming!”

Eventually, the “iPhone 2.0” will be released. It is the question of exactly when. Let’s make up a news item right now.

  • The iPhone was originally released on June 29th, 2007.
  • In general, 1 year is a good “round number” between product revisions.
  • This year Apple WWDC will be held in June; June 9th to 13th to be precise.
  • Steve Jobs said that iPhone SDK will be officially released sometimes in June 2008, including the iPhone Apps store.
  • Apparently the iPhone is not available in the Apple Store (Online and Retail locations).
  • People are claiming that they’ve found iPhone 2.0 proof more than Elvis sighting.

“Captain Obvious is calling!”

It doesn’t take genius to put together all the “signs” and come up with some crazy speculations that many people would believe.

In addition to that, there are some “tech-analysts” making some stupid statements regarding the product that does not officially exist yet.

Déjà vu!

It’s June 2007 all over again.

One particular idiotic “tech-analyst” was talking about the iPhone which he didn’t even have. Criticizing the iPhone for its material. Don’t you think that Apple engineers know more than you, Mr. “tech-analyst” extraordinaire. You haven’t had one logically sound statement since the day you called yourself a tech-analyst. In addition to that you are completely biased to the point where the masses believe that you are taking payola from companies. Please shut the ASDF up and get yourself a job at your local fast food establishment.

Then, there’s one or two or more “journalists” who are suffering from the “I know more than you because I’m always right” syndrome. We all know that you are in the pocket of certain corporations, even if you’re actually volunteering yourself to them. How can you say that everyone else is wrong and you know exactly what those companies are thinking. You always bragging that you got all the “internal for-your-eyes-only” memo. You are working for them, and please stop calling yourself a journalist. Call yourself as you are; spokeperson of that particular company.

The other type of “tech-journalist” that should stop whatever they’re doing right now are the ones don’t know anything about technology but pretending that hey do. Because you have some journalism degree? That doesn’t mean a thing. You have been contradicting yourself on record, and still won’t admit it. Being a journalist, you should have been taking a non-partisan stance when it comes to reporting the news. We don’t want to hear your opinions. You admitted that almost everything you touch (use) are somewhat having problems because you generate some kind of magnetic field that disrupts electronic devices. Even with such admissions, you singled out certain products (from certain companies) for being “turd” (pardon the language). You had not even use or even see it in person. Then, after you’re actually using it, you complained that the product was always broken because it’s simply “crappy”. Don’t you remember you said that you are the cause of all the failures in the electronic device you’re using? Please shut the ASDF up. I hope the big company who acquired your employer would fire you.

This rant is getting longer, and I still have a lot more ranting to do. To the point!

Just because you used to work for a huge technology-based company, doesn’t mean that you know everything. You’re a shill! I am not reading your blog, or anything that you’re saying. Please get a real job and stop thinking that you are so important.

I should end this rant because I need to get some sleep. Before that, let me say something that is completely made up:

The second generation iPhone is going on sale on June 27th 2008.

There I said it.

Camino 1.6.1, Cyberduck 3.0.1 and then some.

May 20th, 2008

Camino 1.6.1 is released.

Camino 1.6.1 contains the following improvements over version 1.6:

  • Camino will no longer crash when attempting to add a search engine that uses POST.
  • Camino displays more useful error messages when it is unable to add a search engine.
  • Camino supports a wider variety of search engine definition files.
  • Restored compatibility with Adobe Dreamweaver and other applications that use a deprecated AppleEvent to open documents in Camino.
  • Improved robustness of code used to access the Keychain.
  • Command-period will now close the Find toolbar on Mac OS X 10.5.

Download Camino here:


Cyberduck 3.0.1

Cyberduck is an open source data transfer program for Mac OS X. It supports myriads of protocols such as FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, etc. Version 3.0.1 has just been released and the release notes can be found here.

Get the latest version of Cyberduck and please donate to the developer if you like this apps.


…and then some

I visited the office of the people who sold the “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” script to Disney. I told them how my jaw dropped in disbelief the first time I saw the trailer on YouTube through Reddit. They admitted that the trailer Disney put out is somewhat misleading.

Anyhow, I did mention Tom Rinks, Taco Bell, and Carlos Alazraqui to them. In a funny coincidence, these people are Seth McFarlane’s management company. As many of us know that Seth McFarlane is the creator of Family Guy. I did mentioned to them that Carlos Alazraqui was the voice of Taco Bell Chihuahua and Family Guy’s own Mr. Weed. Small world.

Why I am not reading your blog.

I wouldn’t be reading your blog or articles anytime soon because:

  • You are posting something with title started with “Why I am not buying (something specific).”
    Why should anyone cares that you’re not going to be buying something that is actually newsworthy. Personally I’m more interested in reading about the actual product you’re gonna be buying. For example: “Why I am not buying Nikon DSLR.” Blah blah blah blah Canon DSLR.
    In the name of whatever you believe in, stop whoring Nikon DSLR (in this example) just to say that you like Canon DSLR (once again, this is only an example). This means you’re just flame-baiting.
  • You’re presenting rumors as facts, then bitch about it. They are rumors!
  • You’re Robert Scoble, Molly Wood, and Paul Thurrott.

End of this rant.

Dear Disney, What The ASDF Are You Thinking?

Pixar won’t save Disney this time because it has nothing to do with Pixar. Enter “Beverly Hills Chihuahua”, an abomination of a movie.

Apparently Disney has the idea that talking Chihuahua is the next big thing. Wait a minute, Tom Rinks wants his idea back. Is this 1995 all over again? Taco Bell Chihuahua, remember him?

The next time I talk to Carlos Alazraqui, I’d for sure bring this up.