Yet Another WordPress Upgrade Gone Wrong

Well, the upgrade process was easy with the exceptions that I could no longer view the blog.

I can still access the admin page, but no page can be viewed.

This is not good.

For some reason, the upgrade from WordPress 2.6 to WordPress 2.6.1 went wrong.

Apple Rumors, Lies, and More Lies

Here we are, closing in on the first half of August 2008. The Apple Universe once again is buzzing with tons of rumors, lies and more lies. Apparently we refuse to live and learn, and still we all hunger for Apple related rumors.

Let’s start with the first one, and it is Andy Ihnatko’s pipe dream. Since the introductions of the iPhone, Ihnatko has been wanting Apple to release some kind of tablet computer, about half the size of 13-inch MacBook and resembles what the iPhone screen. As always, a year and a half after MacWorld San Francisco 2006, the Internet is filled with the Apple Tablet rumors once again. Please, give it up for now. You are echoing the same thing over and over again. It’s not about “if” but “when” Apple would release the Multi-Touch Mac Tablet.

The second rumor is about the fabled “iPhone nano” that would magically sees the release date sometimes close to the end of 2008. Would Apple recycle the “nano” moniker for the iPhone? No. In addition to that, Apple’s number one priority in the iPhone universe is to improve iPhone software. Let’s be Frank, Joe, Mary, or Caroline; iPhone Software 2.0.1 is still buggy. Add stability and more functionality to the iPhone Software 2.x, then we’ll talk about the next generation iPhone sometimes in Spring/Summer 2009.

The third rumor is about the iPod. Since its first introductions in 2001, iPod has become the most recognized digital media player in the world. The best feature of the iPod is none other than the incredible click-wheel. It evolved from the mechanical scroll wheel, into the touchpad-based click-wheel. Unfortunately, the circular control somehow didn’t make it into the iPod touch (and the iPhone). The control on the iPod touch is horrible. The slider is hard to use especially for scrubbing through the media. Apple needs to get back to the “circular dial” for the iPod control, and it doesn’t have to be another click-wheel. The iPod touch also missing features from its predecessors, go figures what Apple needs to do to improve it. Maybe Apple will upgrade iPod touch to 128GB capacity. (It’s not gonna happen anytime soon.)

The fourth rumor is about the new mystery products Peter Oppenheimer hinted about during Apple’s earning call in July 2008. For what we don’t know Apple might be launching new line of toasters that also serves as digital media hub. Have your breakfast and listen to your favorite podcast at the same time. The rumors ranging from the Tablet Mac (again), Apple HDTV set, Apple DVR, Apple Car, Apple this and Apple that. No one outside Steve Jobs’ circle knows the complete roadmap of Apple’s new product.

As of now, there are a large number of Apple-centric sites reporting anything Apple, including the made-up informations. Then again, the readers are eager to know anything about Apple. It is a simple supply and demand principal. In addition to that, there are tons of “bloggers” utilizing the “C” and “V” keys echoing the news and rumors mindlessly.

Burger King Now Overtakes Carl’s Jr. for Stupidest Commercials

After launching series of creepiest commercials in recent history, Burger King has now taken the “Stupidest Commercials” title. Their “Cheat on Beef” commercials defy common sense and fail miserably at the attempted humor.

It is creepy enough to wake up and find a man in king costume and mask in your bed. This time the cows are mad at you for eating some chicken meat instead of them (read: beef). Burger King even says that it is OK to “cheat” on beef, with all the inuendos.

Burger King should stop making any commercials. As a matter of fact, people should stop going to Burger King until they can come up with a half decent commercial.

Paul Thurrott Spews Garbage Again

As expected, Paul Thurrott the original Microsoft Defender spews garbage again on Microsoft P.R. Weekly a.k.a. Windows Weekly podcast episode 70 (yeah, it is podcast not necast, Leo Laporte).

Thurrott defends Microsoft’s pathetic attempt at damage control known as “Mojave Experiment.”

It seems that Leo Laporte is feeding Thurrott’s ego with some compromises about the propaganda. Thurrott is quick to dismiss all the problems with Microsoft’s “Mojave Experiment” propaganda. According to Mr. Microsoft Defender, “Mojave Experiment” is so effective in making people talking about Windows Vista again. Yeah, people are now talking about how stupid this “Mojave Experiment” propaganda is. Even John C. Dvorak, tech pundit/troll extraordinaire calls “Mojave Experiments” makes Microsoft humiliates ignorant users and itself.

In addition to the “Mojave Experiment” garbage, Thurrott subconsciously acknowledges that Microsoft has only been selling Windows Vista Licenses and not installed on computers. Of course Thurrott eludes to elaborate more regarding the sales numbers (Microsoft P.R./Windows Weekly 70 18:00 mark). Thurrott in the past has been quick to “disect” any statistics regarding non-Microsoft products such as Mozilla Firefox, the iPod and iPhone, Linux, Macs, Nintendo Wii, and Playstation 3.

Thurrott is so excited with Microsoft effort to strike back against Apple “Get A Mac” ads. Then again, Thurrott was so excited about the original Zune.

Paul Thurrott is nothing more than Microsoft P.R. in a Tech Journalist skin.

Telemarketer Uses Phone Number Spoofing

Apparently some telemarketers dare to ignore the National Do Not Call Registry. How do they do it? They are now spoofing their phone numbers. Then again, they’d still have to leave their contact numbers.

The last time I checked, a complete phone number in the United States consists of 10-digits (not including the “1”).

This one comes from (310) 649-574 and it’s all about carpet cleaning. The phone number is missing the last digit. If the phone number is any real, there are 10 possibilities for (310) 649-574x.

I’m assuming that they are using some phone number spoofing, I might be wrong though.

“Why I Hate Your Blog-Post” The Comedy Series.

i•ro•ny |ˈīrənē; ˈiərnē|
noun ( pl. -nies)
the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect : “Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony. See note at wit .

  • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result : [with clause ] the irony is that I thought he could help me.
  • (also dra•ma•tic or trag•ic i•ro•ny) a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

ORIGIN early 16th cent. (also denoting Socratic irony): via Latin from Greek eirōneia ‘simulated ignorance,’ from eirōn ‘dissembler.’


Please stop polluting the series of tubes with your post about something that you have no interest none whatsoever. I know you’re posting it because it is what people are interested about. You are only looking for attentions and hoping that your post get indexed by Google and get tons of hits. Yeah, I know. I can sense your AdSense account being prepped. Honestly I don’t want to read your stupid “Why I won’t be getting/buying/using/stealing/abusing ……..” post. Please stop! You’re cluttering the feed and the series of tubes.

You are Paul Thurrott, Mr. Holier Than Thou, the original Microsoft Defender. I don’t understand why Leo Laporte let all of your psycho-babbles slide.  You don’t know anything else besides defending Microsoft. Stop pretending that you’re using Mozilla Firefox, Linux, and Mac OS X. You’re buying a MacBook so that you can install Windows on it? If you want a Windows PC, get a Windows PC. You feel the need to disect all statistic but one, Microsoft’s. When will you ever disect Microsoft’s claim on Windows Vista sales the way you disect the statistics for Linux, Macs, iPod, iPhone, condoms, popcorn, twinkies, etc.? Isn’t it obvious, Mr. Microsoft Insider? You’re always bragging about having access to Microsoft’s internal memos. That makes you a Microsoft whipping boy.

Please take a look at your “c”, “v”, and “ctrl” or “command” keys on your keyboard. If they’re a bit worn more than other keys that mean you’ve been a busy plagiarizing slacker. Why bother having opened an account or two or three at, while all you have done is copying and pasting other people’s articles? Sure you’re kinda referencing the source, but that’s all pretty much you’ve done. Once again, please stop! As a bonus, please remove the stupidly annoying avatar you have for your WordPress account. All you’re doing is reposting contents from others without even understanding what you’re copying and pasting into your stupid blog.

……. to be continued……. maybe……. sometimes soon.

Paul Thurrott Turns into A 13-Year-Old

In Windows Weekly 66, Paul Thurrott turns into a whiny 13-year-old. Thurrott feels that he is the one to defend Microsoft against some mainstream journalists. The argument is valid, but essentially Thurrott debunked himself for not being a Microsoft (original) Defender (not to be confused with Microsoft Windows Defender, the anti-spyware software. Thanks clintthewookie for the corrections.).

Close to the 18 minute mark of the podcast (note to Leo Laporte: “netcast” term is lame), Thurrott mentions that with 1 terabyte hard drive and 4GB RAM, it is essentially OK to have “bloated software” just because the resources is there. Gee, that sounds like Thurrott echoing Bill Gates.

A little bit after, Thurrott was saying: “The version of Mac OS X that was available when Windows 95 shipped…..”

Leo Laporte did not even catch it waht ever the reason was.

Series of Tubes to Paul Thurrott: There was no Mac OS X back in 1995. Not even in 1998. Don’t you remember your MacBook Core Solo?

Windows Weekly 66 (excerpts)