About that Cat Coffee mentioned in REACHER

I just finished watching REACHER Season 3 Episode 5. Since Amazon decided to take away the X-Ray feature from Prime Video App on Apple TV, there are no trivia’s about one particular scene in the episode. Well, I did check the Prime Video App on iPad and it still has the X-Ray feature, but no trivia’s about the scene.

The dialogue in the scene says: “They feed coffee beans to cats,

Pretty sure it is a reference to “Kopi Luwak” or civet coffee.

The “cat” refers to Asian palm civet.

No spoilers though.

Out in the Rain

It has been raining since morning and I felt like drowning in a flood. This would be the first rain in March, 2025; and more to come.

I went to a fast food restaurant and I saw two police officers talking to a possibly an unhoused person. From a little I gathered, the fast food restaurant employees asked this person to vacate the premises due to complaints from other customers. This person was reportedly screaming at the employees. They called the police.

If only there’s some kind of social services in the area that could take this person in. I don’t think it is right just to leave a human being out in the pouring rain.

I still dont know what to do.

Daredevil: Born Again

First two episodes of Daredevil: Born Again have been made available on Disney+ on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

It is a much more cinematic than its predecessor, thanks to the Disney’s production budget.

Daredevil: Born Again still

The series is presented in a wide, closer to 2.4:1 ratio; which made it a lot more cinematic.

Let’s see where Daredevil: Born Again will take the audience to.

Gas Station Meownager

I went to get some fuel and saw a cat who apparently lives in the Gas Station. I spotted an area where the employees set up shelter with food and water.

I will have to come back to this gas station and bring some kitty treats.

Chief Rodent Control Officer

A few years ago, our office was infested by rats. The infestation started when the building across from us were being renovated. It took us almost a year to clear out the infestation. We did open the wall to clear out these rodents.

A Rat inside a wall reaching into drainage pipe.

These days we still found a few rats on the warehouse; something that is apparently common with this type of building. We have exterminators pay a visit periodically preventing rat infestation.

Sometimes last year, I noticed a few cats in the building backyard. Anecdotally, I noticed that we had fewer incidents with rats since these cats “moved in” to our location.

Now I’m hiring one of them as Chief Rodent Control Officer.