Kazuo Sugeno, Christopher Walken, and Apple TV+
I was waiting for “Severance” season 2 finale on TV+ to drop this coming Friday; and I saw “Kazuo Sugeno” under Christopher Walken photo. I remembered seeing this a while back and didn’t really care to mention it. Someone asked the same question at Apple Community about this.
March 20, 2025: A note from the Editor, and Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
First and foremost, today is Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere as well. This site, was launched back in 2006 as a personal site. It then adopted WordPress platform shortly after. We had a few great years posting random stuff from our own life, be it journals, …
About that Cat Coffee mentioned in REACHER
I just finished watching REACHER Season 3 Episode 5. Since Amazon decided to take away the X-Ray feature from Prime Video App on Apple TV, there are no trivia’s about one particular scene in the episode. Well, I did check the Prime Video App on iPad and it still has the X-Ray feature, but no …
Continue reading “About that Cat Coffee mentioned in REACHER”
Homebrew –
For information on how to renew an existing AppleCare plan:
Mac Hardware Diagnostic ToolPress and hold “D” key while booting up.
macOS Software Update, command line:
softwareupdate -ia
softwareupdate -ia –include-config-data
Highlight Stack Items on Hover in Mac OS X Dock
To turn on:
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes;killall Dock
To turn off
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean no;killall Dock
How to fix the iCloud APLZOD.dll error in Outlook
Slipstick Systems
Microsoft Service Agreement, May 1, 2018