Chief Rodent Control Officer
A few years ago, our office was infested by rats. The infestation started when the building across from us were being renovated. It took us almost a year to clear out the infestation. We did open the wall to clear out these rodents. These days we still found a few rats on the warehouse; something …
Late Lunch that Turned into Dinner
While I was out and about on this glorious day afternoon, I received a call from my co-workers. It turned out they wanted to get some late lunch. We ended up in a nice little restaurant in the area. When I arrived, there was a large group of customers entering the restaurant. Luckily my co-workers …
It is an Orange Cat kind of day.
Well, today I visited a friend who happened to be an Orange Tabby. He might not be a pure Orange Tabby, legend has it that he shares a single brain cell with other Orange Cats. Well that’s not true, because apparently it is I who share a brain cell. I forgot the password to a …
Homebrew –
For information on how to renew an existing AppleCare plan:
Mac Hardware Diagnostic ToolPress and hold “D” key while booting up.
macOS Software Update, command line:
softwareupdate -ia
softwareupdate -ia –include-config-data
Highlight Stack Items on Hover in Mac OS X Dock
To turn on:
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes;killall Dock
To turn off
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean no;killall Dock
How to fix the iCloud APLZOD.dll error in Outlook
Slipstick Systems
Microsoft Service Agreement, May 1, 2018