Warnception: Twitter Hellscape, Sensitive Content Edition.

For some reasons, Twitter has added the following to each and every post on @37prime account:

We put a warning on this Tweet because it
might have sensitive content. Appeal this

Twitter warning of sensitive content.

I do not get warning at all on my personal Twitter account. I wonder why Twitter suddenly flagged this account. Could it be a mistake or something else such as someone reporting 37prime to Twitter.

I took the screenshot above and posted it on Twitter. Knowing what I knew then, I expected Twitter to automatically put the same warning to the post. Boom there goes the sonic!

Tweet about getting a warning, gets a warning.

I “appealed” to Twitter regarding the warning on the original post and haven’t from them at the time of this post.

So, I took screenshot of the second post and made a tweet about it, expecting the warning to appear.

It’s a Warnception!

Yep, the warning is there. I could keep going on and on and on and on…

By the way, this post will be automatically tweeted, and most likely will get the same warning.


Dreamhost is under DDoS Attack


Earlier, we were unable to published the post here because at its current incarnation, 37prime is hosted by Dreamhost. We posted one at our WordPress.com-hosted blog.

From @Dreamhost:

“Our engineers have identified the cause of the DNS degradation as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. dreamhoststatus.com

Dreamhost is currently in the news as the Department of Justice “demands that DreamHost hand over 1.3 million visitor IP addresses” for a site hosted by the company.

Wordfence chimed in:

The DDoS appears to be unrelated to the DoJ request above. It looks like it may be an Anonymous attack targeting the Dreamhost DNS to try to take a white supremacist website called ‘punishedstormer dot com’ offline. The website came online today and is hosted at Dreamhost.

We will closely follow this news.