I’ll Give You 110-Percent!

I was listening to Leo Laporte’s The Tech Guy Show and looking at the show notes.

It says:

“Google looses search ground in June.
Google’s share of the web search market is down to 61%. What is that other 49% using?”

Let’s see. 61% + 49% = 110%

I get it, it’s just like Bender who is made of 30% iron, 40% dolomite, 40% titanium and 40% zinc, with a 0.04% nickel impurity.

OK, it’s a typo on Leo’s Show Notes. It might get fixed by now.

Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs has arrived

June 24th, 2008

Futurama The Movie – The Beast With A Billion Backs DVD is now officially released. Run to your local store and buy the DVD because it is great just like Bender, who is great. Don’t forget to go to ILoveBender.com and send message to Bender at bender@ilovebender.com now! If not, the Gentacle will seek you out!

The Beast With A Billion Backs picks up where Bender’s Big Score left off. Well, if you don’t know what it is about, then you either:

  • have not seen Bender’s Big Score
  • did not pay attention to the ending
  • saw “Sex and The City” movie and TV series

To mitigate this, go watch the DVD again, or if you don’t have it, buy one now meatbag!

Futurama The Movie - The Beast With A Billion Backs DVD

In a totally related gibberish:

From: bender@ilovebender.com
Subject: Re: The Beast With A Billion Backs
Date: June 24, 2008 2:20:58 AM PDT
To: xxxxxxx@37prime.com

Dear Admirer,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me, Bender.  Although I deleted your email without looking at it, I’m sure it was very boring.  Write again soon!

Your robot pal,


P.S. – If you buy less than eight copies my DVD, you’re a cheapskate.

For the latest info on Futurama, go to http://www.gotfuturama.com/